QUALITY MANAGEMENT CENTER (QMC) and the Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB Asia-Pacific Inc.) invite specialists on management systems for international certification examinations with obtaining of international qualification
If you are an experienced specialist in a certain field, so you can choose an appropriate certification exam with the help of our Center’s coordinator and discuss the plan for preparation and participation in the exam. In this case you will receive training material for self-study without interrupting your work. The exam will take from 1 to 3 hours depending on the chosen program
Do this requires:
• Sign a contract
• Pay for the exam
• Get training materials for self-study
• Prepare for the exam within 2-3 weeks
• Write a written exam in the classroom of our Center
• Receive a positive exam results by e-mail then fill out an application for obtaining appropriate credentials on the website www.pecb.org