World Quality Day — an annual event celebrated in many countries around the world every second Thursday of November.

The initiator of this day establishment is the European Organization for Quality (EOQ) with the support of the United Nations (UN).

For the first time the world community celebrated this day in 1989. And six years later the European Organization for Quality announced the week, in which this second November Thursday falls, as the European Quality Week.

The purpose of the World Quality Day is to increase the importance of high quality products and services, as well as to enhance the activities aimed at drawing attention to the problem of quality. After all, we are talking not only about the safety of goods for humans and the environment, but also about the degree of satisfaction of the demands and expectations of consumers.

The quality problem is one of the top priority problems in the economy of the world leading countries. In modern conditions, quality is the key to success in the activities of any enterprise, any industry and of course every country. The concept of quality is closely related to what we call the blessings of modern civilization, the quality of life: and this is the preservation of the environment and physical health and the psychological comfort of a person.
